Pet Details

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We unfortunately can not put animals on HOLD.
*Available dates are subject to change.

This website is live and updates frequently. There is a chance that when you arrive at our location the animal you have an interest in may no longer be available.

Animal id #46166

Mr. Business*

Domestic Short Hair Cross
My Story
**I'M CURRENTLY IN FOSTER CARE, BUT I'M STILL AVAILABLE TO ADOPT OR GO TO RESCUE! TO INQUIRE, PLEASE CONTACT THE ADOPTION CENTER. Email: **Hello, my name is Mr. Business. I'm friendly and curious but also cautious. I can startle easily, so maybe avoid sudden movements. I'm a nice cat who appreciates attention. I'm ok being picked up, but I don't prefer it, and I'm not really a lap cat. I will purr softly after you've been petting or scratching my face for a bit. You can pet me when I'm awake and active, but please don't disturb me if I'm napping. I love to play with cat toys, especially at night. My favorite toys are mylar balls, feather wands, and cat tunnels! I also enjoy a good scratching post. I'm great about keeping myself groomed and clean, especially after using the litter box. I'm ok around friendly dogs.
  • 5Yrs 4Mths 2Wks

  • Male

  • Grey / White

  • Yes

  • 12/13/2023

  • Main Shelter location
    500 S. Humane Way
    Pomona, CA 91766

take note of the Animal ID before contacting us
  • My health has been checked
  • My vaccinations are up to date
  • My worming is up to date
  • I have been microchipped
  • OK with Dogs
  • Staff Favorite